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Senior Spotlight #1 - Halle Barredo

Bella S.

Halle Barredo is new to the team this year but already a huge part of our community. She's always so positive whether in the middle of a tough hill repeat or when watching from the sidelines on a bike. Here is an interview that I did to get to know Halle a bit better!


When did you start running?


This is Halle's first year on the cross country team

The short answer is that I joined the AHS GXC team in June of 2020. The long answer is that I started running around 2003! My family will tell you that I learned to run before I ever walked. When I was just under two years old, my mom was training for a four-miler, and my dad took me to watch her on the track. He set me down, and I immediately took off!

Since that time, I’ve been both a distance runner and a sprinter in various forms. I’ve played center and wing midfielder on the soccer field for most of my life, which requires both endurance and speed. For SMS track, I ran two main events on complete opposite ends of the spectrum—the 100 and 1600. I really got into distance running in middle school, but it was never about competing. It was mostly a way to stay in shape in the offseason, an excuse to enjoy nice weather, and a stress reliever.

I’ve had many coaches encourage me to try track and/or cross country throughout high school, but until this point, I failed to pursue that. I guess it’s true that experience is the best teacher, because after accidentally running an extra lap in the mile at last year’s GSOC tryout, I was finally convinced it was time to take a serious shot at the sport. (I was also convinced that I can’t count...)

What is your favorite thing about the team or running in general?

I just love being part of a team and the culture here at Albemarle. There’s something so powerful about being part of something bigger than yourself! Different individuals are united in pursuit of common goals. There’s competition, but there’s also camaraderie. There’s always someone to pick you up and cheer you on in the rough spots and celebrate with you on the mountaintops. At the end of the day, you’ll remember and cherish the little moments together even more than the big competitions.

What is some running advice you’d like to share?

On the surface, these are all about running, but they also apply to daily life:

  1. Do the small things right, because they directly impact the big things. Don’t stop working when no one’s looking. Eat, sleep, stretch, ice, roll. Manage your mileage. Pay attention to anything that feels weird. Don’t fight your body. Communicate with your coaches. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your team.

  2. Some days, you’re definitely not going to love it. You’re destined to have slower-than-a-sloth-in-molasses races, I’m-crying-and-going-to-puke-or-pass-out-or-both workouts, and can-this-just-be-over-already-pretty-please long runs. Learn. To. Love. The. Process. Learn to appreciate every moment (no matter how cruddy it is), because you’re not going to be able to run forever, and the toughest moments are the ones that shape you the most. Be grateful for every breath, every stride, and every second with your teammates!

  3. Never, ever wait to use the bathroom. We’re all guilty, and we all have regrets...

What are your personal/team goals this season?

Halle also plays soccer and has competed for Albemarle

I have one goal: I want to make this the best season possible for my teammates. Whether that means making somebody laugh through the pre-race stress by wearing a poop mask or lending a roller, an ear, or homework help, I want to be my teammates’ biggest supporter and someone they can always count on. That’s so much more valuable to me than a PR or a state championship.

What are your college plans?

I’m headed to the best university in the state next fall (ahem, Madeline)—the University of Virginia! Right now, I’m considering majoring in education, but that’s far from set in stone. Whatever I end up doing, I do plan to continue leading youth ministry and serving in various capacities at Covenant Church. Honestly, I have no clue what the future holds. I’m trusting God to show me every next step!

Thanks so much to Halle for answering these questions and letting me get to know her a bit better! Make sure to check back next Sunday for a new Senior Spotlight.

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