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Required Gear

Everybody needs to have these items that will be available in the Team Shop.


- Longsleeve Navy "Albemarle Cross Country" Shirt


- Black warm up pants


- New Balance/Asics Red Spandex for races

(Coach Coffman will place a mass order at the start of the season as they aren't available in the store)


Spirit Shirts

Throughout the season the couches will award "Spirit Shirts" to every athlete to recognize an achievement! 

Everybody ends up with one and it is common to see them worn to practices and even school.


Team Jackets

Many girls decide to purchase a team jacket which are Nike Windbreakers.  These are a bit pricey and definately not required!  However these jackets are super nice to have when it starts getting colder on runs and are very comfortable.

The price will range from $60 -- $90 depending on how many people are interested in a given year. 

Contact Bella Sonen if you want one and there will be a form sent out to see if enough people are interested.

(2021 did not have enough interest)



Everybody needs a pair of plain running shoes in GOOD condition.  They shouldn't be old because the shoes might have worn out and that can cause injury.  This is super important to keep in mind!  If you're not sure about the condition of your shoes ask a teammate or coach.  Ragged Mountain Running shop or any other running store will fit you for a pair of shoes.  If you go to Ragged Mountain remember to mention Albemarle Cross Country to get a discount!



Some of the varsity girls race in spikes which are a lightweight shoe with minimal support and spikes attached for traction.  Talk with Coach Coffman before buying a pair.  There are a couple pairs that circulate around the team as well that are available for free but you have to get Coach Coffman's permission first..

2018 Spirit Shirt


Cross Country Gear 2021!

Here is the rundown of the gear for Cross Country.  Most of the items in the shop are completely optional but some are required so our team matches at meets!


2019 Spirit Shirt

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